
drawn by the touch of others

drawn by the touch of others

72 - 14 x 17 pages
each page was buffed with my bare hands and powdered graphite for 1 hour (30 minutes each side)
Each page was then folded and stacked.

This piece was conceived and executed as a way to create a non-image based collaborative ontology for drawing that hinged upon the duration of contact, time spent touching, and the resulting transfer. 18 participants were each given white cotton gloves and are allowed to touch, handle and engage the pages in any way they desire with the instruction that they are to return the pages to the stack and pile the gloves on the floor when they are done. The resulting drawing is made on the gloves and is a record of the participants’ touch of an object embedded with time, material and the touch of my hands. Afterward, the pages are re-stacked and bundled with cotton twine.